Monday, September 30, 2024

Knave Jammin’

Ben Milton, Mr. Questing Beast, is holding an adventure jam for the release of the much-celebrated second edition of his game, Knave. Short form, October 5 deadline, must publish on, and he encourages you to use a prompt generator he’s created — an automated version of many of the tables for which Knave is rightly famous.

It’s a smart move to jump start the corpus of adventures available for the game. Moreover, though, it is a set of constraints, and there ain’t nothing better for creativity. I rolled the digital dice on his generator, and the very first result had my synapses firing. So I’ll be writing a Knave adventure, with the self-imposed limitation that I must include everything in my generator result. I’ll be taking the opportunity to learn some layout software, because I’d like to be able to lay out my books myself. Besides, Ben and Peter Mullen are just cool guys.

I won’t be meeting the deadline, though — chiefly because I’m looking for a job, so that takes priority. If you want to see my next adventure sooner than later, the most effective thing to do would be to employ me. So unfortunately I’ll be missing out on the electricity and bonhomie that a contest engenders. Good luck to all you who submit on time, and consider this a placeholder until I have more free time. 

Below, I reproduce my generator prompt in its entirety. Hands off, though — I call dibs. I have the basic shape of the adventure in my head already, and it’s rather different from Brechewold. I have three words for you: toxic monsoon vampires.

Holy valley, symbols nearby, current event: heresy

Gloomy sculpture gallery dungeon, flooding

Labyrinthine library with graffitis and tents

Mold trap, uses a wedge, a ball bearings, and a jack.

Monkey/Pony-like creature, luminous, tactic: stun

Boar spear containing the spell Xolark’s Canonical Oatmeal Storm

Oswald Quillby, a righteous apothecary, pox scars, clumsy, adviser of another character, goal: overthrow ruler, currently fighting

Suppressed necromancers faction, symbol: tentacle, worships the god of rain and light, mission: pursue npc

The glittering city of hare and military. Current event: iconoclasm.

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